Program Features
1.International Youth Leadership--Core Training Goal The program aims toimprove participants'Englishc o m m u n i c a t i o n a n dleadership skills. Studentsw i l l h a v e a b e t t e runderstanding of westernand eastern cultures whencoming across cultureshocks and challenges.Meanwhile, they can alsoobtain abilities of critical-thinking, problem-solving,team-working and solution-demonstrating. It is theunique platform allowingstudents from homeand abroad to learn incommunication, and to learnin practice.
2.Participatory learning The curriculum of IYLP is jointly designed byChinese and foreign students. According to thecourse framework proposed by the ProgramCommittee, all the students will be engaged incourse discussion and project design with equalchances. The International Youth LeadershipProgram encourages all the students toshare with each other about their hobbies,culture backgrounds, customs and traditions,talent and skills as well as their schools andhometowns, and thus motivate participants'mutual understanding and sharing.
3.Cooperative research Being exposed to various self-designed research projects, both Chinese and foreign studentswill altogether go through the whole process of project design, research conduction andsolution demonstration based on their interest and their major backgrounds, while takingadvantages of the resources in the Pearl River Delta.